Sports, hobbies, travel

Physical activity and sports: People with haemophilia should exercise regularly to maintain good fitness levels and control their weight to minimize joint burden (especially if they already have hemophilic arthropathy). Physical activity contributes to the overall health of the cardiovascular system…

Tips for haemophilia

What can be done to stay healthy?
• Exercise regularly to keep in good shape and take care of their weight.
• Take care of the hygiene of their mouth and gums to prevent bleeding and the need for dental procedures….

Child and haemophilia

Diagnosis of haemophilia often causes parents to feel anxious, fearful of the child's health or even guilt. Many times, these feelings lead them to overprotect the child and limit their activities. This condition often causes the child to feel low self-esteem and deprives them of important daily joys…

Social environment

Both the person with haemophilia and everyone involved in their daily lives must know what this particular bleeding disorder is. Everyone will be asked to contribute more or less to the prevention or treatment of bleeds…
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This information is intended to inform and update the public and may in no way serve as a substitute to consultation with a doctor or other professional health service.
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