
A message from our supporters

Eleni Platokouki-Komitopoulou

Coordinating Director of the Bleeding Disorders Unit and the Haemophilia Center for Children and Adolescents

“Agia Sofia” Children's Hospital, Athens

Haemophilia is a rare hereditary disease. Typically, the male gender is affected. It is due to deficiency of coagulation factor VIII or IX (Haemophilia A or B, respectively) caused by the damage of the corresponding gene. It is clinically expressed with bleeding, mainly in the joints (hemarthrosis) and muscles (hematomas). Knee, ankle and elbow joints are the most common locations. Frequent bleeding at the same joint makes it a target joint and vulnerable to arthropathy. Hemophilic arthropathy is the result of numerus damages on a joint. The result is disability. The aim of therapeutic treatment is not only to treat (treatment on demand), but also the avoidance of bleeding in joints (prophylactic treatment), to avoid hemophilic arthropathy. Although drug therapy is important in haemophilia, disease management is not limited to it. The aim is, in addition to providing safe and effective treatment, to address all the problems of people with haemophilia, where many specialties are involved (orthopedic, physiotherapist, dentist, psychologist, etc.), in order to achieve the best possible quality of life for the child or adult with haemophilia and their families.

Worldwide, people with haemophilia are monitored at Haemophilia Centers because, due to the rarity of the disorder and concomitant problems arising from both the disease and the treatment, long-term experience of team of experts is required as well as the ability to retrieve patient data. Stable, regular, sincere cooperation with the Center ensures constant updating and timely response.

Complementary sources of information are welcome and useful, if they are a starting point for discussion with Haemophilia Center specialists. For many decades, people with haemophilia lived in obscurity, many misunderstandings accompanied the disease, many obstacles and many difficulties had to be overcome. Knowledge is a prerequisite for understanding and acceptance. The internet is today an endless source of information. This website that has the ambition to enrich and expand areas of interest, update information, target not only people with haemophilia, but also community stakeholders (educators, coaches, employers, etc.) seems to be a useful tool for everyone. If the information leads to knowledge, the benefit will be great for everyone.

Good navigation!

Eleni Platokouki-Komitopoulou

Pediatrician, Head of Bleeding Disorders Unit and Center for Hemophilic Children/Adolescents, “Agia Sofia” Children's Hospital

Hemilios is... you!

Alexis Perdikis

General Secretary of the Greek Haemophilia Society (GHS)

With great joy and satisfaction, GHS welcomes the initiative that brings Hemilios to the screens of your computers, tablets and mobile phones! Always aiming to provide better and more accurate information (with the help of doctors) to people with haemophilia, GHS could not fail to support such moves, let alone when it comes to our children.

Children are always the carriers of the new, the newborn, the new page, the hope for a future better than the present at all levels. Therefore, in the world of haemophilia, children are the ones who will point the way to a better and higher quality of life, away from taboos wanting people with haemophilia to be cut off from social life.

Hemilios may be a child but does not represent only this category. Hemilios is also an adult, because through him hemophilic adults we will understand what we have to watch even as we get older, what we did wrong while we were young and what we can fix. Hemilios is of course also the parents who have undertaken this difficult task of raising a child with haemophilia, balancing between the "must" and the desires of their child.

Hemilios is the Greek Haemophilia Society, because through the good cooperation of many different people from different backgrounds, you can now enjoy this beautiful and extremely useful internet platform!

Hemilios is after all, all of you!


Alexis Perdikis

General Secretary of the Greek Haemophilia Society (GHS)

Greek Haemophilia Centers

“Agia Sofia” Children's Hospital

1 Thivon and Papadiamantopoulou Str., 11527 - Athens

Bleeding Disorders Unit and Hemophilic Children Center

Tel.: 2132013767-69

Athens General Hospital "Laiko"

17 Ag. Thomas Str., 11527 - Athens

National Reference Center for Bleeding Disorders

Tel.: 2132061004

"Ippokrateio" General Hospital of Athens

114 Vasilissis Sofias Ave., 11527 - Athens

Hemophilic Center

Tel.: 2132088120 or 2132088193

"Ippokrateio" General Hospital of Thessaloniki

49 Konstantinoupoleos Ave., 54642 - Thessaloniki

Hemophilic Center

Tel.: 2310892649

"Ippokrateio" General Hospital of Thessaloniki

49 Konstantinoupoleos Ave., 54642 - Thessaloniki

Special Center for Bleeding Disorders of Children and Adolescents

Tel.: 2310892587, 2310857111

Greek Haemophilia Society (GHS)

Greek Haemophilia Society (GHS)

51 Stournari Str, 10432 - Athens

Tel.– Fax: 210 5232667

Under the aegis of: Initiated by:
This information is intended to inform and update the public and may in no way serve as a substitute to consultation with a doctor or other professional health service.
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